Greetings in the wonderful name of Jesus!
As we come to the end of January, I can say that we have so many things to thank God for in this new year. We have seen an increase in our average weekly attendance over this same time last year as well as where we ended in 2024. This has not happened by accident, but as we continue to be intentional in evangelism and discipleship. Currently, we have a weekly ladies Bible study being led by Sis. Sharah Crocker that is absolutely thriving. We will be beginning a men’s Bible study group soon as well.
Some involved in the current Bible study group and other various personal home Bible studies have come to church and there are those that have not. The purpose is not always getting people to the church immediately but meeting them where they are and ministering to them. Through this, we build community, and we extend the reach of our assembly. The same is true with our Shepherd’s Pantry and Restoration Outreach. Our desire is to have all who attend these outreaches to make their way to the church. However, if they never come through our doors, we still have a command from the word of God to minister and to reach.
So let me encourage us to never stop reaching, even if we do not get our intended result. Our purpose is not attached to the result, our purpose is attached to our obedience to the command of God’s word and the leading of His Spirit. At the end of the day, our purpose for serving others is found in Luke 17:10, “So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do.” We don’t serve for a profit; we serve because it is our duty and we do so out of a love for God and others. Nevertheless, it is impossible to sow without reaping and so as we serve, while we need to be content being unprofitable servants, we need to hear the encouraging words of Galatians 6:9 “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season, we shall reap, if we faint not.” Don’t become weary in serving, press on!
As we move into February, we are anticipating the forward momentum that we are experiencing to continue. Saturday, February 1 at 10am will be a Shepherds Pantry workday. There will be an event in the fellowship hall, so please enter through the gym. We will be having the first meeting of our Thrive Singles Ministry on Sunday, February 2nd at 6pm in our fellowship hall. If you have any questions, please reach out to Sis. Terri Shaw. We are excited for this new ministry! February always brings our SC District Youth Convention. We are blessed with the opportunity to have the Convention speaker, Drew Galloway with us at SOP on Wednesday night, February 5th. This will be an exciting service. Also, I want to mention that the Friday night service of the Youth Convention on February 7th will be open to all and free of charge. I want to encourage all who are able to take advantage of this opportunity and attend this service.
Thank you for your faithful support to all that we do at SOP. Without your faithful attendance, prayer covering and financial support we could not do all that we do. This is truly a Real Church, Discipling Real People with Real Love. And we ARE in this together!
Many Blessings,

Pastor Russell Drake

Click here to see how you can get involved this month at SOP!
Feb 1
Shepherds Pantry Workday - 10 am
Creative Team Meeting - 10 am
Fellowship Hall Reserved
Feb 2
Thrive Singles Meeting - 6 pm
Feb 5
Bro. Galloway Ministering
Feb 6-8
SC Youth Convention
Feb 8
Restoration Outreach - 10 am
N.Pointe N. Home
Feb 9
MIT’s - 9 am
24 Hour Fast
Feb 10
Staff Meeting - 6 pm
Prayer - 7 pm
Feb 15
M. Side N. Home
BQ Tournament
Feb 21
Shepherds Pantry Setup - 6 pm
Feb 22
Shepherds Pantry - 10 am
Feb 23
Garden House
Feb 24
Staff Meeting - 6 pm
Feb 28
Local Youth Rally - 7 pm